Thinking about raising your rates? Use this sweet strategy

Recently, I was speaking with one of my coaching clients about raising her rates, and she was worried about running her clients off, driving them away.

I think everybody, including me, can identify with those worries.

If you're thinking about raising your rates, use a strategy I learned years ago from Sharon Desjarlais. It's called a Gratitude Sandwich.

Here's five steps that will get the job done to raise your rates without losing your clients or your integrity.

Step 1: Be intentional and decide on the exact date. Get it on your calendar. That way you won’t forget or be tempted to let it slide.

Step 2: Measure the value of your work accurately. Most therapists make a big mistake: They believe their value is in the time they spend with a client.

But your worth is never about the time. It's about the transformation. It's about the outcomes your clients get and how those results change their lives. Take about ten minutes and write down all the benefits that your clients get from...


Blueprint For Success!

marketing May 12, 2023

Do you have a goal for growth… but you’re struggling to break past the natural cap of a treatment-based business model?

“If you want to achieve success find someone who has achieved the success you want and copy and implement their blueprint.” Tony Robbins”

Click here for a free 30 minute Abundant Bodyworker Consultation. 


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