You are invited to a FREE  live Masterclass (details below)...


Masterclass Dates:
June 12, 2024 at 10AM PST/ noon CST/1PM EST
June 13, at 10AM PST/ noon CST/1PM EST
 There will be a replay  available however there will be a special bonus offered to those who actually attend the Masterclass 

The AIME Masterclass:

Welcome to the AIME Masterclass: Abundant Income Mindset Expansion! If you're a dedicated bodyworker looking to transform your career and elevate your income, you're in the right place. This masterclass is tailored for individuals like you who are seeking a more sustainable and prosperous path in the field of bodywork. Whether you're already thriving but want to optimize your time or experiencing fatigue and seeking a change, this FREE masterclass is designed to guide you towards a more abundant future.

Sign Up


This Masterclass is perfect for you if:

You're too busy already... and want to earn more while cutting back your number of hours

You feel fatigue from working hands‑on... and you want to transition into a style of work that makes a long-term career more sustainable

You have been struggling to find good staff... and you want to see these crazily powerful alternatives that massage business owners are using right now

​​You have a goal for growth... but you're struggling to break past the natural cap of a treatment-based business model

In this Masterclass we'll do a deep dive into the 5 Pathways to Abundance

What you'll discover and learn:


the 5 pathways to becoming an Abundant Bodyworker


interactive exercises to empower you and increase your clarity


uplevel your income with the pathway that resonates with YOU

How to

increase your LONGEVITY and INCOME in this industry